People with high cholesterol should take care of themselves in a conscious and controlled way because otherwise it can directly affect the health of the heart. Keep in mind that a high cholesterol level can cause heart disease, heart attacks or strokes, so it is essential that you start taking care of yourself and knowing what you can and cannot take. In this article of a How we tell you how to reduce cholesterol naturally so you can keep it at bay without having to medicate.
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1. To get lower cholesterol naturally it is essential that you modify your eating habits and choose to include in your diet all those products that help lower cholesterol naturally. For example, we have that oatmeal is an indispensable cereal to help us to this end since it has a high fiber content, something that reduces the absorption of fat and blood sugar.
The blue fish are also a perfect allies for our fight against cholesterol because it has a high amount of Omega 3, an essential amino acid that protects heart health. Legumes, citrus fruits and green leafy vegetables are other good ingredients for cholesterol;
2. The other side of the coin is that you know the foods that raise cholesterol, that is, those types of ingredients that you should banish from your diet to get to enjoy a healthier life and reduce the risk that this disease can cause in your health. The fried are one of the foods that can get to grow more cholesterol in your blood and that excess oil and Trans fats make decompensate levels; therefore set aside the fried or battered and switch to healthy eating and lower fat.
But, in addition to fried foods, saturated fats also cause more cholesterol to appear, especially more fatty meats, sausages, whole milk or junk food. Replace, for example, sausage with turkey and pork sausages with healthy chicken sausages; the change is minimal but the health of your heart will thank you.
3. We have already commented to you that oatmeal is a very suitable cereal to lower cholesterol naturally but if you do not know how to include it in your diet, we give you a way to do it as effectively as if you took a bowl of oatmeal: prepare water oat. The fiber that contains oats mixes with the cholesterol in the intestine and takes it out instead of allowing it to be absorbed by the body, this is why oatmeal is essential for lowering cholesterol.
To prepare this drink you only have to pour 3 tablespoons of oatmeal in a liter of water and let it soak overnight; the next day you will have to drink the remaining water and, thus, you will be taking advantage of all the properties of oats. In this article of a How we tell you in detail how to make oatmeal water.
4. If you do not like the previous remedy, you can also fight cholesterol naturally by drinking apple juice. It is known that drinking apple daily helps to increase the good cholesterol in the blood and decreases the formation of the bad, therefore, you can include the daily intake of this fruit in its juice version to take advantage of all the health properties of your body.
The apple contains pectin , a fiber that helps absorb excess cholesterol making it easier to remove it from the body, so add a glass of apple juice to your day to day and you will be able to detoxify your body from the inside at the same time as You eliminate excess cholesterol. But, in addition to this juice, there are others that also work perfectly, such as lemon and ginger juice or pomegranate juice; in this article we detail good juices to lower cholesterol.
5. Another way to eliminate cholesterol from your body is to leave behind unhealthy habits that affect your levels. It is known that alcohol and tobacco affect this, causing cholesterol and triglycerides to increase; Smoking impairs the health status of our blood vessels and can more easily develop cardiovascular diseases, so it is important to abandon both habits and bet on a healthier life.
6. If you like infusions, you can also take advantage of the benefits that some medicinal herbs have in relation to cholesterol. For example, dandelion is an ideal plant for this purpose because it helps detoxify the body and regulate cholesterol. The red tea is also an ideal concoction to control our health since it has a component called lovastatin that is able to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood; however, this tea is quite strong, so you should consult a doctor before taking it regularly.
7. Finally, we must remind you that one of the most effective ways to reduce cholesterol naturally is to practice sports or physical exercise. As soon as we start our body doing cardiovascular activities that make us sweat, sugar and proteins are spent and the body compensates for the loss using saturated fat. That is why it is important that you go at least 3 times a week to exercise that makes you sweat and activates your heart: running, cycling, elliptical, and so on.
8. In addition, there are supplements and extracts of Omega 3 that can favor cholesterol level control and lower triglyceride levels