
How to use Boric Acid for the Feet

Have you had a series of rashes on the skin of the feet? If this symptom occurs especially between the toes of this area or on the floor, surely, it is because you are suffering from a condition known as fungus or mycosis on the feet. This condition also known as athlete’s foot is a fungal infection that consists of the appearance of dermatophytes in the area of ​​the feet and can cause symptoms such as reddish rashes, itching and peeling in the affected skin.

Foot fungus is a contagious condition, so it is important that we apply a pharmaceutical treatment to spread to other parts of the body such as fingernails and hands. However, in addition to drugs we can also use some home remedies, such as boric acid, to accelerate the elimination of these microorganisms and others, such as bacteria that produce a bad smell in the feet. If you want to know how to use boric acid for the feet.

Boric acid for the feet: properties and benefits

Boric acid, also known as trioxoboric acid, is a chemical compound that can be found in nature, especially in volcanic areas since it is usually part of various materials such as boracite. However, this acid is usually made in laboratories for later sale in the form of whitish powder.

Although boric acid is a natural remedy that is used as a poison to eliminate different insect pests, it is also an ideal substance to treat some foot conditions, such as fungus or athlete’s foot and bad smell, due to the following Properties and benefits of boric acid:

  • Antiseptic properties:This product acts as a natural disinfectant, so it is a good remedy to keep the skin of the feet clean and thus avoid spreading contagious conditions, such as athlete’s foot, to other parts of the body. In addition, thanks to this effect, it also helps reduce other problems in this area such as bad smell.
  • Antifungal properties:thanks to its slightly acidic pH, thyroxiboric acid is an effective remedy for the treatment of fungal infections, such as mycosis in the feet, since it prevents the appearance of fungi and eliminates those that may occur if the infection has started.
  • Antibacterial properties:another reason that causes the bad smell in the feet is the appearance of bacteria in this area. Due to its antibacterial properties, this product is a good alternative to eliminate these microorganisms that cause this symptom and other skin problems.
  • Insecticidal properties:as we have mentioned, it is often used to eliminate insect pests and it is because it is a potent natural insecticide. Therefore, it is used for plants, but also on the skin, always used correctly, to eliminate pests from scabies mites, among other conditions caused by insects. Scabies can affect us in any part of the body, both in the feet, as in arms, neck, abdomen, legs, etc.

Our top pick Boric Acid from Amazon

How to use boric acid for foot fungus – step by step

Now that we know the main properties of this substance that will help us eliminate conditions such as athlete’s foot, we will explain how to use boric acid for foot fungus with a simple step by step.


  • 1 tablespoon and a half boric acid.
  • 3 liters of warm mineral water.
  • 1 bowl or plastic container where your feet fit at the same time.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • PH neutral soap.
  • Moisturizing lotion.

Preparation and treatment

  1. First of all you will have to wear rubber gloves and wash your feet with a little neutral pH soap and warm water. It is important that you emphasize the area between the toes, since it is usually where the fungi attack the most.
  2. Once washed, dry them with a clean towel and take off the rubber gloves.
  3. Add 1 tablespoon of boric acid and 3 liters of warm mineral water in a bowl.
  4. Now dip your feet in the mixture for 15 minutes.
  5. Once the time has elapsed, put on other gloves again and wash your feet again with soap and water.
  6. Now dry them again and apply a moisturizer so they are well hydrated.

Once you have used this remedy, it is important that you keep your bare feet for 1 hour before putting on some shoes. In addition, boric acid is highly toxic if ingested, both for people and animals, so you will have to wash your hands immediately after using it. Nor is it suitable for use in mucous membranes or open wounds.

How to use boric acid for bad foot odor

As we have indicated, boric acid is also an excellent remedy to eliminate bad foot odor, as it has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Therefore, we will show you a simple trick with boric acid for sweaty feet. This trick is a good alternative both to eliminate and avoid bad smell in the feet and is to follow these guidelines:

  1. Add 2 tablespoons of boric acid in the shoes (one tablespoon in each pair), as if it were talcum powder.
  2. When you have added them, shake each shoe to distribute the product well.
  3. Then put on your shoes to instantly eliminate the bad smell.
  4. As in the previous remedy, it is important that you wash your hands well after use.

In addition, it is also advisable to leave the boric acid out of reach of both children and animals until you wash them.

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