
How to deflate swollen lips

Sometimes, the lips become inflamed due to multiple causes. Sometimes it is simply a reaction of stress and swelling occurs as a prelude to the appearance of a cold sore, which can also come out for other reasons such as a drop in defenses.

Other causes of swelling are injuries such as a possible cut, an allergy, insect bites or the appearance of some granite, among others. Regardless of what caused the inflammation, a swollen lip is usually annoying, as well as unsightly. Various treatments help solve this problem. We give you a series of remedies on how to deflate swollen lips, since, depending on the cause, there are more effective tricks than others. You can all do them at home.

Tea to deflate swollen lips

Deflating swollen lips at home is easy with natural or homemade remedies. One of the most effective is to do it with tea. You can apply it directly with the bag after preparing the infusion or with a gauze or poultice impregnated in the liquid.

The best option is black tea because it has astringent properties by containing tannins, which allows to reduce lip swelling. Applying it about 10 minutes over the area is more than enough. Anyway, if you have a lot of inflammation, you can apply it several times a day, but letting a minimum of one hour pass between sachet and poultice.

Cold and hot to deflate the mouth

The cold and heat are also a great help to deflate swollen lips through different applications. One of the simplest is to take some ice, either diced or diced, which you can wrap in a cloth or towel to apply directly to the area. Likewise, it is possible to put on the lip cold bags that are used for injuries or to lower the eye bags.

They are quite effective remedies because it is proven that cold helps to reduce any inflammation, including those caused by sports injuries. This trick is good for, for example, swelling caused by bumps, cuts or wounds on the lip (provided they are closed and do not suppurate).

Heat, although initially it may seem otherwise, is useful for reducing inflammation. But it is only recommended when there has been an accumulation of blood on the lip by a cut or by a blow, among other possible causes. The key is that with the application of heat with a towel soaked in warm water, poultice or hot bag improves blood circulation and, therefore, prevents and prevents the accumulation of blood.

Salt to deflate swollen lips

Salt is especially indicated if you have to deflate swollen lips due to the appearance of a cold sore, pimples or wounds that do not suppurate because it is a good natural disinfectant that helps eliminate germs. In fact, when you put it on the area you notice a certain stinging or burning, which is the sign that you are acting. The way to apply it is also very easy and you can apply it several times a day.

  1. You can put some salt in a dressing and adhere it to the lip with the help of a band aid or adhesive plaster to hold it and let it act.
  2. Another way is to slightly moisten the salt with a few drops of water and put that mixture in a poultice, gauze or cotton that you must deposit on the affected area. Thus, in reality, it is a little less effective, but it stings less.

Baking soda to reduce inflammation in the mouth

Products that you have at home are usually very useful for deflating lips. Baking soda is one of them because it is antioxidant and alkalizing. This product is more recommended when the swelling has been caused by insect bites or by some kind of allergy.

In order for sodium bicarbonate to be effective, it is best to apply it through a kind of paste or dough, which is prepared when mixed with a little water. You can place it directly on the lip or, to make it more comfortable, with gauze or with a cloth.

Aloe vera to deflate swollen lips

Aloe vera is a product well known in beauty, especially for the skin because it is very beneficial for its great capacity for hydration, nutrition and regeneration of the dermis, among many other properties that also contribute to lower inflammation.

Aloe vera is present in many creams that are sold in any establishment or supermarket, although the most effective way to apply it is in its pure state. That is, cut a piece of a plant and put its liquid over the area of ​​the lips. And even if you peel the leaf of the plant, it is also a useful remedy to place that piece directly. You may also be interested in this other article on How to cure with aloe vera plants.

With all these remedies you will be able to lower the inflammation of the lips, although we always recommend that you go to the doctor so that I can indicate the care you need depending on the cause of the lip swelling.

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